Leeds Physiotherapy

Book Now For Therapies, Classes and Nutrition

Physiotherapy & Massage

Book an appointment with one of our Fixologists.


Fixology is clinic with a growing team of forward-thinking Physiotherapists and women’s health therapists – we are Fixologists.

Book an appointment with one of our Fixologists by clicking the button below. Read more about our appointment types if you’re not sure what to book.

Ruth Sudol: Physiotherapy, Women’s Health, Mummy MOT

Jess Harris: Physiotherapy, Massage Therapy

Classes & Personal Training

Our range of classes and personal training are designed to support you as you build your knowledge and strength for life. Read more about our classes and personal training if you’re not sure what to book.

You can book individual classes or grab a package of 5 or 10 classes to redeem against any class by following the appropriate buttons below.

You can also book memberships for 1, 2 or 3 classes a week so if you love our classes speak to someone in the studio or request a call back to set up a membership.


Book an appointment with our nutritionist, Sarah.


We now have a Nutritionist on our team who can support you with things such as inflammation and gut changes, menstruation, menopause and PCOS, helping you to optimise nutrition through different life stages, and live life to the fullest. Read more about our nutrition packages and appointments here.


You can book initial and follow-up appointments below, along with our nutrition packages and membership following the appropriate buttons below.