What is Neural Manipulation?

What is it?

Neural manipulation is a manual therapy to directly treat your nervous system. Often mobility problems are not in the joints, they’re in the nerves. Your nerves need to slide, glide, twist and turn through the body freely.  

A bit about your nervous system…

 Your nervous system is your body’s number one priority as it keeps you alive and the first thing it will try to protect when you experience a physical/emotional trauma, with muscle tension and altered posture/movement. The nervous system can lose some of its ability to lengthen or slide/glide or restrictions may cause areas in the nervous system to be compressed. It doesn’t like to be compressed and when it is symptoms can show up in a number of places, not necessarily where the compression is. For example, a pain in your elbow can actually be coming from your radial nerve, which could be compressed anywhere along its pathway. It’s why the effects of massage are only short lived, because if your nervous system is unhappy, your body will always bounce back to protect it. So, it’s one of the first things we look at when we treat you.

What we do 

We keep an open mind when treating our patients, but if we think the main/priority problem is in the nervous system, we can do some tests on its mobility. For example, a straight leg raise test and an upper limb tension test. From there, we can palpate the nervous system at different points on the body, to check on its mobility throughout its pathway and find out which areas are restricted and try to free the pathway.