What is Scar Tissue Release?

What is scar tissue release?

When you have an operation, the incision can take a while to heal and settle into a scar. The scar tissue is less pliable and muscles, organs and ligaments can adhere to it. This can “pull” when you make certain movements and be uncomfortable. It can also cause restrictions at the scar site or further away in the body. We can help make the tissue more pliable again and allow more freedom of movement with myofascial release techniques. 

How do you release scar tissue?

With myofascial release techniques we make sure that the scar is mobile in itself and isn’t sticking to other structures or organs. Every body is different and we’ll get to the bottom of why your scar is causing you problems by:

  • Manipulating the scar tissue directly - we’ll start on the superficial layer and work deeper as necessary

  • Asking you to try specific breathing techniques and positions/movements during scar tissue release to make sure that your scar is able to adapt and allow every movement that you make on a daily basis and when you’re training.